Wiley Learning App
HI-fidelity designs for a forthcoming learning app that distills the core features of other Wiley courseware products into a clean and easy-to-use modern course-building experience for instructors and an improved learning interface for students.
Assignment-Building Experience for Instructors
iFrame launch point from within an LMS.
Select the intention of the assignment
Cover page with WYSIWYG affordances for key assignment details, reducing the cognitive load to improve upon the previous step-by-step assginment-building experience.
Filters to help instructors narrow learning objectives options to find the right questions to add to their assignment faster.
Learning objective selection organized by Chapter and Section.
Preview and add questions to an assignment.
Drag and drop question reordering organized in a similar way to how the students will see them on their assignment cover page.
Student Learning Experience
Student cover page with list of learning objectives for the assignment.
Student interface for a multiple choice question with multiple attempts.
Assignment completed modal.
Student results tab.